Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Messi breaks his scoring record |

Messi breaks his scoring record
Leo Messi scored his 48th goal of the 2010/11 season against the same team that he made his debut in the Champions League, Shakhtar Donetsk. With this goal the Argentine striker broke the record for goals by a Barça player in one season, that was in possession of himself (09/10) and the Brazilian Ronaldo (96/97), with 47 goals in total. In addition, Messi still has at least ten games to continue breaking records.


  1. He's pretty good, I guess.

  2. he's REAAAAAAAAAALLY good mr. allen.
    PS i hate barsalona too. they are the worst team in the world and i'm now a liverpool fan

  3. I don't hate Barcelona - I think they're a pretty amazing team - they're just not MY team! Many people think they're the greatest team EVER. Let's see what happens over the 3 games against Real Madrid. Pretty exciting games for all soccer fans!

  4. Oh! Never mind!! I just did it like right after I asked u!! Sorry!!
